5 Ways to Avoid a Relapse During Treatment

A woman standing on the beach looking out at the ocean.

During treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), you will experience situations that trigger cravings and intrusive thoughts about abusing substances. Thinking about relapse is a normal part of recovery, and treatment provides a safe space where you can develop skills to cope with stressors.

According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, “[T]he main tools of relapse prevention are cognitive therapy and mind-body relaxation, which are used to develop healthy coping skills.” Emotional stability is easier to maintain in a structured treatment facility like Newport Beach Recovery Center, where you can rely on peers and your care team to help you navigate recovery.

What Is a Relapse?

Relapse happens gradually and usually involves a stage where you mentally accept the idea of physically relapsing. A single instance of substance abuse during treatment may not be considered a relapse by everyone’s standards. However, the dangers of abusing even once make prevention of all physical relapses a priority at Newport Beach Recovery Center.

The dangers associated with relapse include:

  • Overdosing
  • Serious injury or illness
  • Severe adverse reactions
  • Mental health setbacks

We do not judge clients for experiencing a relapse. Our care team understands the realities of addiction and how the symptoms of SUD can sometimes manifest, including through mental or physical deterioration. We will help you get back on track if you experience this setback.

The Different Stages of Relapse

A relapse generally involves more than a single instance of substance abuse. Distinct stages can lead you to fall back into a maladaptive pattern of behavior. In time, most people slowly begin to shift how they think and feel about recovery. Below are brief descriptions of the three main stages of relapse.

Emotional Relapse

At any time, emotional relapse can occur. It is not uncommon to experience this multiple times during early recovery if you struggle with ambivalence and frequent intrusive thoughts about substance abuse. The primary signs of emotional relapse include:

  • Increased irritability and negativity
  • Less motivated to continue recovery
  • Feeling apathetic or negative about the treatment process

Individuals experiencing emotional relapse do not actively consider abusing substances as a viable option. However, it can lead to mental relapse.

Mental Relapse

During a mental relapse, you may actively consider the idea of physically relapsing and returning to familiar maladaptive routines. You can protect yourself by getting help immediately if you notice yourself having these thoughts. Therapy, peer support, and prescription medication can help you cope with stressors and relieve anxiety to a point where you no longer want to relapse. If left unaddressed, physical relapse often follows these types of thoughts.

Physical Relapse

A physical relapse involves one or more instances of substance abuse after a period of abstinence. In the long run, physical relapse can severely affect your mental and physical health, and you should do your best to avoid it. Physical relapse can lead to accidental overdose, injury, or even death. If you feel that you may be on the verge of physically relapsing, reach out to someone in your support system, or follow your safety plan.

How to Decrease the Risk of Relapse During Treatment and Aftercare

Relapse may feel inevitable. However, it does not have to be a part of your recovery. If you use the tools you have and actively work to develop relapse prevention strategies, you have a lower risk of experiencing an emotional, mental, or physical relapse.

Above all, you have control over the choices that you make during treatment and recovery. Your agency allows you to change your path for the better at any point. As stated in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine article referenced earlier, you can decrease the risk of relapse by doing the following five things during treatment and aftercare:

#1 Show Yourself Kindness and Compassion

Be kind to yourself, and give yourself permission to ask for support. Stress is the leading cause of relapse, and most people feel stressed due to the pressure they put on themselves during treatment. Show yourself compassion. Set realistic goals for your recovery.

#2 Look Out for Warning Signs of Relapse

Be aware of the warning signs of relapse, and remain vigilant. If you believe you may have emotionally or mentally relapsed, get help from your support system to avoid a physical relapse.

#3 Practice Daily Self-Care

Take care of your physical and emotional needs by practicing regular self-care.

#4 Follow Through With Your Aftercare Plan

Maintain your progress by attending all your treatment appointments and practicing your skill development.

#5 Avoid Places or People that Might Cause You to Relapse

During early recovery, you should avoid returning to social groups and locations associated with past substance abuse. Set firm boundaries with family members who enabled unhealthy behaviors.

You can choose not to slide back into old behaviors or ways of thinking. The symptoms of substance use disorder (SUD) can include intrusive thoughts about using or drinking and intense psychological cravings. One way to avoid relapse is by finding something to keep you moving forward. Achievable goals can give you something positive to focus on, increasing your confidence and self-efficacy. Relapse is not an inevitable part of the recovery process. Individuals with SUD can choose to rely on their resources and coping skills to get through difficult moments. You are not alone in your recovery. The care team at Newport Beach Recovery Center can help you create preventative strategies and set clear boundaries that lower your risk of relapse. To learn more about our treatment programs, call our office today at (855) 316-8740. Our team is here to help you heal from SUD.

How to Manage PTSD After Witnessing an Overdose

A man looking out of the window at night.


The trauma of experiencing or witnessing an overdose can cause significant mental health issues. In the last few years, there has been a spike in overdose deaths related to alcohol and illicit substances. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 2019 and 2020, “overdose deaths increased by 31%.” Peers, family members, close friends, and first responders are the individuals most likely to witness an overdose. The effect on their mental health can be devastating. Newport Beach Recovery Center offers trauma-focused therapy to help clients heal.

The Emotional Impact of Witnessing an Overdose

It is normal to have a wide range of emotional responses to trauma, and your feelings are valid. People often feel distant, angry, afraid, or depressed after witnessing traumatic events. In most cases, the person who overdosed was someone close — such as a family member or friend. Their loss can directly impact your day-to-day life. Your emotional response to their loss or pain is valid. You can use those emotions as motivation to reach out for help and heal from your own trauma or SUD. Below are a few lifestyle changes that can help you avoid internalizing the impact of future traumas:

  • Prioritize your mental and physical health
  • Join sober social circles
  • Attend treatment and therapy
  • Set strict boundaries with individuals who actively misuse substances
  • Learn to identify the signs of a potential overdose

By surrounding yourself with sober peers and building a toolbox of coping techniques, you can create a healthier life for yourself. The trauma of witnessing an overdose can leave some people afraid to trust or get close to others. Learning to identify warning signs will decrease your risk of experiencing or witnessing an overdose in the future. It will also allow you to reach out for help sooner.

How Trauma Affects Recovery

According to Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, “Traumatic stress can be associated with lasting changes” in the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. In addition, “studies have shown alterations in memory function following traumatic stress.”

Trauma affects recovery and can cause the following:

  • Difficulty focusing
  • Memory problems
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mental fatigue
  • Triggered trauma responses

Most individuals in treatment for SUD have some form of trauma to work through. Newport Beach Recovery Center uses a trauma-focused approach to care. We understand that trauma can have a very real effect on your ability to function and recover from SUD.

Healing From Co-Occurring Trauma-Related Disorders

Witnessing or experiencing an overdose is traumatic and can cause some individuals to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and other mental health issues. You might feel depressed, angry, or distant from others. The physical changes in your brain caused by substance abuse and trauma can make it more challenging to focus on healing. You might need integrative treatment or a combination of prescription medication and therapy to manage symptoms during early recovery.

The most common treatment options for trauma-related issues include:

  • Peer support
  • Group and individual therapy
  • Trauma-informed cognitive-behavioral therapy (t-CBT)
  • Family therapy
  • Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

3 Warning Signs of a Potential Overdose

Being able to recognize the warning signs of an overdose can empower you to feel less anxious and afraid for yourself or others. A difference of a few minutes can save a life. By educating yourself, you can better prepare to cope with this form of trauma in the future. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an excellent resource for opioid overdose prevention. If someone abuses substances and you notice any of the three warning signs described below, get medical help immediately.

#1 Unresponsiveness or Unconsciousness

If someone misuses a substance and then falls asleep, the risk to their safety increases substantially. You should attempt to keep them awake. Should they fall unconscious or become unresponsive, you need to get them medical assistance immediately. Even waiting a few minutes can lead to permanent injury or death.

#2 Changes in Breathing

Many substances and combinations of substances, including alcohol, can affect breathing to the point where someone experiences hypoxia or loses consciousness. The following breathing patterns may indicate a medical emergency:

  • Labored and wheezing
  • Fast and short
  • Shallow and slow

These changes may come on abruptly or gradually appear, depending on the substance. All unusual breathing can affect oxygen levels in the blood as well as blood flow to the heart, brain, and other organs.

#3 Changes to Skin Color and Temperature

Skin that is pale blue or light purple indicates the person is not getting enough oxygen and may need medical assistance. The skin changes color around the lips, face, and extremities first. Any increase or lowering of temperature may also indicate a significant health problem.

Witnessing an overdose can affect how you relate to others. You could’ve developed a trauma-related disorder, or you could struggle with survivor’s guilt if you saw someone you love overdose. Many people who experience that kind of trauma develop mental health and relationship issues. Feeling angry, guilty, depressed, or uncertain about how to emotionally respond to the situation is normal. You can protect yourself from future trauma by getting the help you need to maintain sobriety if you struggle with SUD. In addition, learning to identify the signs of a possible overdose can protect you and the ones that you love. The dedicated team at Newport Beach Recovery Center can help individuals in recovery learn how to heal from the trauma of witnessing an overdose. To learn more about our programs and how we can help, call our office today at (855) 316-8740. 

What to Do when your Spouse is an Addict

A woman sitting on top of a bed next to another person.

Addiction is one of the hardest things a married couple can go through. Marriages are meant to be safe havens, but when one partner has an addiction, it changes the dynamic of the relationship. It’s not uncommon for addiction to cause chaos, conflict and even violence in the household. So what can you do if you’re facing this exact situation?

Helping a spouse through addiction takes a great deal of patience and effort. But it’s important to know that you can’t change anyone. Your spouse must be willing to seek a drug detox program in Newport Beach and follow their aftercare plan. If they are not willing to do this, you may have to take a step back so that you can preserve your own health and wellness.

Let’s learn more about what you can do when your spouse is an addict.

How Common is Addiction?

Addiction is unfortunately very common. But this also means that you are not alone. Many married couples face issues with substance use and addiction. It’s estimated that 21 million Americans suffer from a substance use disorder, and about half of these people struggle from a co-occurring mental illness as well.

Substance use addictions are most well known, but people can also suffer from behavioral disorders such as eating, gambling, shopping or video gaming. While anyone can develop an addiction, it’s more common in people who have a family history of addiction and underlying mental health problems.

Signs of Substance Use in a Marriage

Each couple is unique, and the signs of drug or alcohol use in your partner may not be obvious. It depends on your partner, how advanced their problem is and your relationship with them.

Here are some telltale signs that your spouse may be struggling with a substance use disorder:

  • Money disappearing without explanation
  • Spending more time away from home
  • Trouble keeping a steady job
  • Drug paraphernalia or alcohol bottles hidden around the home
  • Excessive time spent out or partying, especially without you
  • Inability to stop drinking or using drugs
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Physical health problems

Do’s and Don’ts When Living with an Addict

Drugs and alcohol can cause a person to change drastically. You might feel like you’re living with a stranger. Remember, while you can support your spouse’s journey to recovery, you cannot force them to change or stay sober.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for dealing with a spouse who is an addict.


  • Ask for help. Reach out to friends, family and others you trust. Addiction affects the family unit, so you can likely benefit from family therapy and peer support groups. At the very least, have someone you can talk to.
  • Show support for recovery. The best way to support your loved one is by encouraging their need for addiction treatment in Newport Beach. This is very different from supporting the addiction (i.e., paying bills, making up excuses. You can also offer to drive them to their 12-step meetings and read educational literature.
  • Practice good self-care. Living with an addict can be exhausting. Make sure your emotional needs are met, and take care of your physical body by getting enough rest, eating well and exercising.
  • Learn about addiction. Addiction is a chronic brain disease – not a choice. The more you learn about addiction, the better you can understand what’s going on and be a source of support for your spouse.
  • Maintain a healthy home. If you want your spouse to quit drugs or alcohol, you must set a good example. Don’t leave alcohol or drugs around in the home, and don’t use them in front of your spouse.


  • Lie for your spouse. By making up excuses or lying for your spouse, you’re allowing the addiction to continue. Let your spouse take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Cover up the addiction. Another thing you don’t want to do is cover up the addiction. This just helps them continue down the path they are on.
  • Avoid the problem. Many people turn a blind eye to their partner’s substance use problems. While it might seem like the easy way out, the problem won’t go away. Address the addiction head on and push for a Newport Beach drug rehab program.
  • Blame or judge. Addiction is a disease. Blaming or judging your spouse is not effective. Instead, it will just anger your spouse and drive a wedge between them and treatment.
  • Blame yourself. And certainly, do not blame yourself for your spouse’s problems, no matter what you have been through. Your spouse is making the decision to use drugs or alcohol, and it’s up to them to make the decision to stop.

Newport Beach Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol rehab program in Newport Beach. We offer detox, residential and outpatient treatment services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your spouse recover from their addiction.

How to Detox From Fentanyl

A bunch of blue pills are on the table


Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was developed to treat severe pain in cancer patients. For these patients, a fentanyl patch is worn, delivering pain medicine on a round-the-clock basis. However, fentanyl can also be illicitly produced and taken for its euphoric effects.

Due to its potency, fentanyl is highly addictive. It may also be added to heroin to make it stronger and more addictive. Many users who purchase heroin don’t know that they are actually purchasing fentanyl, which often leads to overdose deaths. The biggest suppliers of fentanyl to the United States are Mexico and China.

If you or a loved one has an addiction to fentanyl, you may be wondering how to start addiction recovery in Newport Beach. Because fentanyl is an opioid, it’s treated in the same way as a heroin or prescription opioid addiction. Newport Beach Recovery Center treats fentanyl addictions with a combination of therapy and medication.

Fentanyl Overdoses are on the Rise

The DEA reports that fentanyl abuse has risen in recent years, increasing emergency room visits, drug seizures and overdose deaths. In 2021, there were over 75,000 deaths involving opioids, primarily fentanyl.

When you take an opioid drug, your brain chemistry changes. The drugs fill opioid receptors along the central nervous system and change the way certain neurotransmitters move around. Eventually, the brain no longer makes these neurotransmitters on its own because it’s relying on the drug to do it.

If the drug is removed from the body, opioid withdrawal symptoms begin. As the brain tries to restore its balance, you’ll go through a period of withdrawal that includes flu-like symptoms such as sweating, aches and pains, insomnia, excessive yawning and stomach pain. Due to the intense nature of these symptoms, recovery from fentanyl should start with a medical detox center in Newport Beach.

How Long Does Fentanyl Detox Take?

Whether you’re taking fentanyl recreationally or medically, there is a strong potential for addiction. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms usually begin 6-12 hours from the last dose and last for about one week.

The acute symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal tend to be their worst between day 1 and 3. However, post-acute symptoms may last for weeks or months. These symptoms include anxiety, sleep problems, dysphoria and an inability to feel pleasure.

After about one week, most people are feeling much better and have physically detoxed from fentanyl. But the journey does not stop here. You’ll need to start therapy so that you can understand what led to the abuse and change harmful thoughts, behaviors and patterns. Without inpatient drug rehab in Orange County, it’s likely that you’ll fall right back into addiction.

What are the Symptoms of Fentanyl Detox?

Fentanyl detox includes both physical and mental symptoms.

Physical symptoms:

  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Excessive yawning
  • Runny nose
  • Tearful eyes
  • Aches and pains
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Stomach pain
  • Exhaustion

Emotional symptoms:

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Cognitive problems
  • Drug cravings

A Closer Look at the Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline

Typically, you’ll begin to feel withdrawal symptoms in about 12 hours from the last dose, though this depends on how you were taking the fentanyl. For example, extended-release medication increases for the first 12 to 24 hours of wearing it, lasting up to 72 hours. If you’re taking a fentanyl patch, it will take longer for the withdrawal effects to kick in.

As the opioids leave the bloodstream, you’ll begin to experience symptoms like yawning, sweating and restlessness. These symptoms peak in the first few days of detox and then taper off in about a week or so, as your body adjusts to not having opioids in it.

It’s not safe to stop fentanyl cold turkey. The drug can lower your respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure to dangerously low levels. There are also long-lasting emotional issues that can occur with fentanyl detox, which can raise the risk for relapse and self-harm.

Therefore, drug rehabs in Newport Beach typically start clients on a weaning schedule or replaces fentanyl with a drug like naltrexone. This gives the body a chance to wean off the opioid and lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Effective Treatments for Fentanyl Addiction

Once you complete fentanyl detox, you can move forward with a treatment program. It’s important to know that there is no quick fix for fentanyl addiction. Treatment generally takes about one year, and recovery is an ongoing, long-lasting process.

Medical maintenance programs that use methadone and buprenorphine are most effective because they help people manage their cravings and deter further abuse. This way, people can focus on healing and rebuilding their lives.

Holistic treatment is also an option. Stress and anxiety are two triggers for addiction, so learning to manage these is an important part of the healing process. Treatment centers like Newport Beach Recovery Center offer both evidence-based and holistic therapies that address the underlying root of addiction, as well as any co-occurring disorders.

To learn more about recovering from a fentanyl addiction, contact Newport Beach Recovery Center today. With detox, residential and outpatient addiction treatment in Newport Beach, we have a full continuum of treatment to meet your needs.

What to Say to a Loved One Who is Addicted

Two women sitting on the ground near a body of water.

Addiction is an incredibly difficult topic to address. But when you live with someone who is struggling with addiction, you can’t just ignore the problem and hope for it to go away. Addition is a progressive, debilitating disease that can lead to death. You may not have control over your loved one’s decisions, but you can steer them in the right direction.

Talking to an addict about their problem requires proper planning, courage and honesty. It’s important to learn how to have these difficult conversations, as it often takes several before the addict can admit their problem and agree to drug detox in Newport Beach. To help you navigate these conversations, here are some things you can say.

“You are Not Alone.â€

Addiction is highly stigmatized in our society, so addicts often isolate themselves to avoid being belittled, criticized or insulted. While they may not show it, they’re often embarrassed of their behavior. Rather than approaching conversations from a place of judgment, be kind and accepting.

Addiction is not something your loved one chose. Let them know that they are not alone and that you are here to help. They may not be open to a Newport Beach drug detox program right away, but having more of these conversations gets them thinking about a life without drugs or alcohol.

Here are some things you can say to your loved one:

  • “I’m sorry that you are struggling with addiction. How can I help?â€
  • “You are important to me and I care about you. I am here to help.â€

“This is Not Your Fault.â€

Addiction is a disease. No one experiments with drugs or alcohol with the intention of becoming an addict. While your loved one is not responsible for their addiction, they are responsible for their recovery.

Avoid pointing fingers at your loved one or blaming them for their addiction. Instead, encourage them to take responsibility for the things they can change, such as seeking drug or alcohol rehab in Newport Beach.

A couple things you can say include:

  • “Everyone needs help at times. You do have to feel ashamed.â€
  • “Addiction was not your choice. But the decision to start recovery is.â€

“I Love and Care About You.â€

Studies show that addicts are often insecure, so tough love may make things worse. Instead, let your loved one know that you love and care for them. Just because you don’t agree with their decisions doesn’t mean that you stop loving them as a person.

Unfortunately, love is not enough to conquer addiction. There may come a time when you have to walk away, but you can at least let your loved one know that you will be there for them if they decide to get help. Simple statements like “I love you†and “I care about you†are direct and reassuring.

“With Help, Things Will Get Better.â€

Addiction can make a person feel hopeless. Reassure your loved one that things can get better with the right Newport Beach drug rehab program. It’s important for them to know that they do not have to face recovery alone.

There are many ways to support a person with their recovery. You can offer to help them look for a treatment center, watch their pets while they’re away or drive them to their support groups.

Things you can say include:

  • “When you are ready to get help, I will be here to support you.â€
  • “Addiction is a treatable disease. Many people are successful in recovery, and you can be, too.â€

Tips for Talking to a Person with Addiction

As you have these difficult conversations with your loved one, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. You might feel like you’re walking on eggshells, but the words and tone you choose will have a tremendous impact on how your loved one responds.

Here are some do’s and don’ts when speaking to a loved one regarding their addiction.


  • Be clear and upfront. Be straightforward and honest with your loved one so that there is no confusion. Make them aware that you support them – NOT the addiction.
  • Set boundaries. To protect your own mental and physical well-being, you must set and enforce boundaries. Be ready to say “no†when you need to.
  • Give them a chance to respond. Give your loved one a chance to process what you’re saying. You can offer them help and guidance, but you shouldn’t force them to make decisions on the spot.


  • Enable your loved one. Enabling an addict allows the behavior to continue. Make sure you’re aware of what enabling looks like (covering up behavior, avoiding confrontation, failing to enforce behavior) so that you can avoid it.
  • Give threats or ultimatums. Avoid making unrealistic threats or ultimatums in the hopes of changing your loved one. This can have the opposite effect.
  • Ignore the issue. It may seem easier to turn the other cheek, but addiction does not get better on its own.

Begin Addiction Treatment in Newport Beach

One of the hardest parts of having a loved one with addiction is not being able to help them until they are ready. Your loved one must make the decision to accept their problem and get help, and they must continue to make positive choices that support a life of sobriety.

Having open, honest conversations with your loved one reminds them that you are here for them when they are ready. When this time comes, you can count on Newport Beach Recovery Center to be here for you, too. We are invested in the success of each client. Contact us today to learn more.

Understanding Shame And Addiction

A woman sitting in front of her face with one hand on the other.

Shame is one of the most powerful emotions because it has to do with remorse and inadequacy, common motivators for substance use. Shame is a feeling that your whole self is wrong – it’s not necessarily related to a specific behavior or event. Shame also commonly overlaps with guilt, which is the feeling you get when you do something wrong.

While pretty much everyone feels shame at some point, some people experience it more often. This emotion can cause you to feel defective and damaged beyond repair. Feelings of shame can greatly influence your decision to start using or restart using substances. This is why it’s important to understand shame and how it affects addiction recovery in Newport Beach.

What is Shame, Exactly?

Shame is a negative emotion, but it stems from our survival as a species. Without shame, you might not care to follow laws or cultural norms. Since we are social creatures who want to be accepted by others, shame is an evolutionary tool that keeps us in check.

However, shame can become a problem when it’s internalized and causes you to look at yourself harshly. Your inner critic might tell you that you are worthless, bad and have no value. When shame starts to impact your sense of self, it becomes toxic and can put you at risk for depression or substance abuse.

Some of the signs that you are experiencing shame include:

  • Feeling rejected
  • Feeling unappreciated
  • Feeling like you have little purpose
  • Worrying about what others think
  • Needing to have the last word
  • Replaying embarrassing interactions
  • Wanting to shut people out

Where Does Shame Come From?

Keep in mind that shame is a natural, normal feeling that we all experience from time to time. But if you are dealing with toxic shame that is leading you to be unhappy with yourself, there may be a reason for this. Some of the risk factors that lead to toxic shame are:

  • Traumatic events, like domestic abuse
  • Insecure attachment to friends or family
  • Negative stigma of mental health issues
  • Enduring harsh parenting
  • Parental substance use

What is the Role of Shame in Addiction?

Shame occurs when you blame yourself. It plays an important role in the onset and continuation of addiction.

Often, the cycle goes like this: guilt causes addiction and addiction causes shame. As you experience the powerful emotions associated with shame – depression, loneliness, embarrassment – you’re more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol to ease the burden.

Let’s say, for example, that you experienced childhood trauma. You blame yourself for the trauma and seek substances to ease the guilt. Eventually, drugs and alcohol cause you to do things that you’re not proud of. It’s a catch-22, because to deal with the shame, you continue using drugs or alcohol.

Not only can shame fuel addiction, but also it can disrupt a drug rehab program in Newport Beach. Studies show that higher rates of shame are linked to poor recovery outcomes, increased rates of relapse and shorter periods of abstinence. It can also trigger other co-occurring conditions like depression or anxiety.

Is it Possible to Overcome Shame?

Yes, it is possible to reduce shame and guilt. If you are in treatment for a substance use disorder, behavioral therapy will help you understand your feelings, address the sources of your shame and shift your attitude.

Here are some of the things you will work on during your time in a residential treatment center in Newport Beach:

  • Face the root of your shame. It’s important to understand your feelings and where they are coming from.
  • Pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Observe your thoughts, but avoid overreacting to them.
  • Give yourself compassion. Everyone makes mistakes at times. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t get stuck in them.
  • Recognize when you’re feeling shame. Learn to identify when you’re feeling shame. This will help you deal with it rather than internalizing it.
  • Get support. Talk therapy can help you discover the root of your shame and how to deal with it in healthy, productive ways.

Get Help for Addiction and Feelings of Shame

Shame is a powerful emotion that can become toxic. If you experience toxic shame, it can put you on a path to substance use to escape the pain. The more you use drugs or alcohol, the more shame you feel, which starts a painful, overwhelming cycle.

To heal from addiction and the shame that accompanies it, you’ll need a Newport Beach drug rehab program. Newport Beach Recovery Center offers both residential and outpatient treatment services. We use evidence-based therapies to challenge negative thinking and help clients discover new ways of thinking about the past.

To learn more about our approach to treating substance use and mental health disorders, contact Newport Beach Recovery Center today.

How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your Body?

A woman sitting on the ground in front of a plant.

How long a drug stays in your system depends on many factors, such as the dose, your weight, your sex and your physical health. Most drugs stay in the body for at least a few days and can be detected on a urine test for 3-7 days. But just because the drug leaves the body does not mean you’re sober. You’ll go through withdrawal and detox before starting a formal treatment program.

Newport Beach drug addiction treatment is a critical part of the recovery process. It involves working with a therapist to understand the reasons that led to the abuse, medications for co-occurring conditions, educational tools to help you stay sober and more. Getting drugs and alcohol out of your system is the first step – but recovery is ongoing.

To help you understand how long drugs stay in the body, we’re going to break down the factors that impact how long a drug can be detected and the basic timelines for each drug.

Factors that Impact How Long Drugs Stay in the Body

Two people can take the exact same drugs in the exact same doses and experience very different effects. This happens because each body is unique. So, how long a drug stays in your body depends on your unique body composition. Let’s explore.

  • Metabolism. Your metabolism refers to how efficiently your kidney and liver metabolize drugs. The more efficient the system, the sooner the drugs are eliminated.
  • Age. Generally speaking, the older you are, the less efficient your body is. You can expect drugs to linger longer in an older body.
  • Tolerance. Long-time users are more likely to have drugs show up in their body because of the increased tolerance.
  • Body fat percentage. Women tend to have more body fat than men, which causes them to hold onto certain drugs (i.e., THC) for a longer period of time.
  • Drug type. The type of drug, its purity and how it was used also contribute to how long it stays in the body.

Average Times Drugs Stay in the Body

Below is a handy chart that tells you how long drugs stay present in the urine and blood. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates and meant to be used as a guide only.

Drug Type Present in Urine Present in Blood
Alcohol 3-5 days 10-12 hours
Amphetamines 1-3 days 12 hours
Barbiturates 2-4 days 1-2 days
Benzodiazepines 3-6 weeks 2-3 days
Cannabis 7-30 days Up to 2 weeks
Cocaine 3-4 days 1-2 days
Fentanyl 1-3 days Up to 48 hours
Heroin 3-4 days Up to 12 hours
LSD 1-3 days 2-3 hours
MDMA 3-4 days 1-2 days
Methamphetamine 3-6 days 24-72 hours
Methadone 3-4 days 24-36 hours
Morphine 2-3 days 6-8 hours

What Happens When Drugs Leave the Body?

Drugs leave the body in many different ways, such as through sweat, breathing and the kidneys. Most drugs will need to be metabolized first before they can leave the body.

When your body suddenly stops or reduces its intake of drugs, you will experience withdrawal symptoms, which can vary greatly depending on the substance you’re using and how long you’ve been using. The body needs time to adjust to this sudden absence.

For example, opioids like fentanyl and heroin act on a neurotransmitter called dopamine. When there’s a rush of dopamine, the body feels extreme levels of happiness and euphoria. However, over time, the brain stops making its own dopamine and comes to rely on opioids for feelings of pleasure.

The recovery process starts with a detox center in Newport Beach. During this phase, the drugs and alcohol are eliminated from the body and you’ll go through withdrawal. Most people are able to complete detox in about 10 days or so before moving onto therapy. Even though you may not be physically dependent on drugs following detox, you will still be psychologically dependent.

When Will You Feel Like Normal Again?

Your brain and body need time to heal. Some people assume that once they complete detox, they’re in the clear, but this isn’t the case. To prepare yourself for this journey, it’s important to develop realistic expectations (recovery is a journey, not a destination) and practice excellent self-care.

Here are some of the things you can do to repair your brain and body in recovery:

  • Eat a healthy, nutritious diet
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Exercise for 30 minutes daily
  • Participate in talk therapy
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Discover new or existing passions

Typically, most drugs leave the body within a couple of days from their use. If you are dependent on drugs or alcohol, you’ll experience a withdrawal period when the drug use stops or decreases. This is one of the hardest parts of the recovery process, so we highly recommend aligning yourself with a medical detox center that can watch over you. There are various therapies and medications that can ease withdrawal symptoms and make detox more pleasant.

Start Detox and Treatment in Newport Beach CA

Once detox is complete, you can move onto the foundation of recovery: therapy. Get in touch with our luxury drug rehab in Newport Beach to learn more about our programs. You can receive all of your treatment under one roof in a comfortable, luxury rehab facility that’s just minutes from the beach.

Identifying Signs of Drug Abuse in a Family Member

Two women sitting at a table with food and drinks.

For many people, drug or alcohol addiction starts innocently with experimental use in social settings. Family members typically don’t worry about some experimentation, as this can be a ‘normal’ part of growing up. However, some teens are at a higher risk for addiction and gradually move past normal experimentation and into more regular drug use.

If this is the situation you’re facing, you’re probably wondering how you can identify drug and alcohol use in your loved one. After all, people who are addicted can be very effective manipulators. They lie to cover up their behavior and avoid facing their addiction.

Let’s look at some of the ways that you can identify substance abuse in your family member. It’s important to get the facts before confronting them about a Newport Beach drug detox program.

How Does Drug Use Typically Start?

Substance abuse typically begins in adolescence when teens start experimenting with various drugs and alcohol in social settings. Some children start abusing drugs before high school, around the ages of 12 and 13. Sadly, the sooner a person starts using drugs, the higher their risk for addiction.

The most commonly abused drugs among preteens and teens are marijuana, alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs like anti-anxiety meds and sedatives. For some teens, their substance use progresses to other drugs like cocaine or ecstasy.

Opioids are a bit different. This addiction usually starts with a prescription painkiller, such as after a procedure or sports injury. The person will then start taking higher doses of pain medication to get the same effects. When they can no longer get prescription opioids, some move onto harder drugs like heroin.

What are the Signs that Someone is Abusing Drugs?

It’s important to know how drug use progresses because this will help you understand the trajectory that families go through. No one wakes up one morning and discovers that their loved one is suddenly using drugs. It’s a progression that starts with some experimentation (which you may or may not be aware of) and evolves into more frequent and debilitating drug use.

When looking for signs of drug abuse in a person, it’s helpful to know that there are physical, emotional, behavioral and social changes. These signs and symptoms may vary based on the drugs the person is using. For example, methamphetamines give the body a rush of energy, pleasure and euphoria. Alcohol is a depressant that causes people to feel drowsy and uncoordinated.

Below are some of the signs that your family member may be ready for a luxury drug rehab in Newport Beach.

Physical changes

Physical changes are often some of the first signs that something is wrong. As a person spends more time using drugs, they begin to neglect their hygiene habits, as well as their sleeping, eating and exercise routines. As a result, you may notice that your loved one looks malnourished.

Let’s look in more detail at some of the physical changes to be aware of:

  • Glassy, red eyes, a lack of motivation and periods of laughter can indicate marijuana use.
  • Drugs like cocaine and crystal meth often cause patterns of euphoria and hyperactivity, followed by excessive sleep or feelings of depression.
  • Drugs like barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol often cause coordination problems, slurred sleep, a lack of judgment and overall tiredness.
  • Heroin is a hard drug that typically results in sweating, twitching, vomiting, a loss of appetite and unusual sleeping habits. Needle marks are also common.
  • Hallucinogens like LSD generally show up in behavioral ways, such as paranoia, aggression or confusion. A person might also have dilated pupils.

Behavioral and psychological changes

Behavioral changes are common with addiction because drug use affects the brain. In fact, repeated drug use can cause long-term brain damage, making it difficult to quit. Keep in mind that behavioral symptoms can also be a sign of a co-occurring mental health condition. The addiction may be the driving force behind it, or the person may be using drugs to cope with the symptoms.

Common behavioral changes in people with addiction are:

  • Losing interest in hobbies and activities that were once important, as well as a change in friends
  • Becoming depressed and developing a negative outlook on life
  • Uncharacteristic mood swings and personality shifts, including nervousness, anxiety, irritability and emotional outbursts
  • Changes in work or academic performance
  • Secretiveness and dishonesty, especially when being questioned about their whereabouts
  • Attitudes of combativeness and defensiveness

Where to Find Help for a Person with Drug Addiction

It’s important to point out that addiction treatment in Newport Beach is continuum-based, meaning that you don’t have to wait until your family member hits rock bottom to access care. Even if your loved one has a mild addiction, they can still enter a treatment program and get the support they need to kick their habit and lead a healthy life.

Newport Beach Recovery Center provides detox, residential and outpatient treatment services. As clients progress through our program, they can “step down†to lower levels of care. Everything is done under one roof, giving you the peace of mind that your loved one is receiving personalized and consistent care from one dedicated treatment team.

If you believe that your family member is abusing drugs, contact Newport Beach Recovery Center today. We can verify your insurance and prepare you for the intake process so that you can confront them with confidence.

How Long Does it Take to Detox from Alcohol?

Two people sitting on a couch with books


Many people are scared to start alcohol detox because of the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. There is no question that alcohol withdrawal is a tough process that can start within a few hours of your last drink. But it is also important to know that many people have been through this process and are now living a sober life.

Medical detox is the key to a more comfortable and tolerable detox process. This type of program provides around-the-clock support to get you through withdrawal as safely and comfortably as possible. You can learn more about alcohol detox in Newport Beach by contacting Newport Beach Recovery Center.

In this post, we’ll explore the timeline for alcohol detox so that you know what to expect. We feel that being informed on the process is the best way to prepare accordingly.

What is an Alcohol Detox Program in Newport Beach? Is it Necessary?

When a person drinks heavily, toxins build up in the body. If they suddenly stop drinking, the body has to go through a period of adjustment. This is called withdrawal. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. It all depends on how much alcohol you consume and for how long.

Doctors generally recommend medically supervised detox for people with an alcohol use disorder because this type of withdrawal can be fatal. Some people may experience seizures, hallucinations and delirium tremens (DTs), which is why alcohol detox can be life threatening. Fortunately, you can prevent these complications by seeking care at a medical detox facility.

Here is what you can expect during your time in an alcohol detox program in Newport Beach:

  • Medical assessment. The first step is to do an assessment to determine the level of care you need. We’ll gather information on your medical history and addiction history and create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Withdrawal. It doesn’t take long for withdrawal symptoms to set in. Some of the most common symptoms include nausea, shaking, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, muscle pain and fatigue.
  • Medication. To help you cope with the withdrawal effects, we give clients medication to treat their symptoms. No one medication treats all symptoms, but we may prescribe medication to ease anxiety and depression, promote sufficient sleep and assist with the physical symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Around-the-clock support. At a medical detox center, you’ll have 24/7 support from medical professionals and support staff. This ensures your detox is safe, tolerable and successful. Without this support, people are more likely to relapse.

How Long Does it Take to Withdrawal from Alcohol?

On average, alcohol withdrawal lasts for 7 to 10 days. However, keep in mind that detox is different for everyone. It is possible that withdrawal could be shorter or longer depending on how much alcohol you have been consuming, how long you have been consuming it for and other factors, such as the presence of a mental health disorder.

Clients at our Newport Beach alcohol detox program generally stabilize within one week. We recognize that this can feel like a lifetime when you are going through it, but consider that this one week is the first step in getting your life back. Many people have gone through this process – our own staff included – and were successful in getting to the other side.

What is the Timeline for Alcohol Withdrawal?

While people experience detox differently, there is a general timeline that follows. Rest assured that our detox center is prepared for each stage and has the appropriate therapies and medications within reach.

The general timeline for alcohol withdrawal is as follows:

Day 1 of alcohol withdrawal

The first symptoms of alcohol withdrawal begin within the first few hours from the last drink. People usually notice that their hands start shaking and they feel restless and uneasy. Cravings for alcohol are also very common. Keep in mind that there are FDA-approved medications to help control cravings.

Days 2-3 of alcohol withdrawal

This is usually when withdrawal symptoms peak. People often begin suffering from nausea, a fast heartbeat, anxiety and vomiting. They may also experience an agitated mood or hallucinations. Our support staff knows to look for symptoms of delirium tremens and seizures, as they can come out of nowhere. DTs and seizures require immediate medical assistance.

Final stage of alcohol withdrawal

After day three, things usually start to look up, though some people don’t start feeling better until after a full week. Stabilization has usually happened by this point, though it’s normal to have a low mood and alcohol cravings. These symptoms can linger for days, weeks or months.

PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome) happens to some people who detox from alcohol. It is believed that these ongoing symptoms are due to the brain adjusting and recovering. Common symptoms of PAWS are irritability, anxiety, depressed mood and difficulty with cognitive tasks.

Get in Touch with the Right Newport Beach Alcohol Rehab Program

Newport Beach Recovery Center offers a full continuum of care. Clients who are actively using alcohol usually require medical detox before starting inpatient treatment. The benefit in choosing our facility is that you can go through the detox process and start treatment right away in the same facility. You do not have to jump around from one facility to the next to have your needs met.

To learn more about our detox center in Newport Beach and how it can help you recover from your alcohol use disorder, contact Newport Beach Recovery Center today.

History of Methamphetamine Explained

A pile of white substance sitting on top of a table.

Brought more into the collective mind by Breaking Bad, to say that methamphetamine is a highly addictive and incredibly potent drug is an understatement. Even with those adjectives.

It’s a wildly devastating stimulant.

The history of methamphetamine, and relatedly, the history of crystal meth are far more pedestrian affairs than the frenetic and chaotic show.

The humble origins of this strong stimulant date back to late 19th century Germany where a Japanese chemist, Nagai Nagayoshi, studying there synthesized amphetamines and isolating ephedrine from the ephedra plant that was used in traditional Asian medicine for millennia for the first time in 1887. 

Not a lot happened in the world of amphetamines until the early 20th century.

It was in 1919 that the magic happened, so to speak. Again, a Japanese chemist, Akira Ogata, found a much easier, more simplified and streamlined way to create the stimulant but in a crystalline form and thus the world was introduced to crystal meth. This new form was also highly soluble in water making it an easy candidate for injection down the road. 

Similar to the discovery of amphetamines, there wasn’t much reportable action on the drug for some years. Then came World War II and meth went gangbusters.

Soldiers on both sides of the war consumed prodigious amounts of amphetamines to stay awake and functional with the keenest use among the Germans and Japanese.

After the war, in the States, it shifted to become an attempted solution to many things, from increasing productivity to weight loss to asthma. It was finally regulated more aggressively in 1970 under the Controlled Substances Act.

What Is Methamphetamine?

Now that you know the history, what exactly is methamphetamine?

Per the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Crystal methamphetamine is a form of the drug that looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white rocks.

It can be taken in a myriad of ways as well, people can smoke, swallow (in pill form), snort or inject the drug. The effect produced varies by intake method.

Is Methamphetamine Addictive?

As noted in their definition, not only is it addictive, its highly addictive. Meth releases a sizable amount of dopamine in the brain and those feelings of pleasure are enormous. So much so that people quickly want to experience it again but as tolerance builds and they need to take more and more to achieve the same high.

This creates and cements the cycle of addiction. Moreover, withdrawal, which is never pleasant, drives people to take more just to avoid those symptoms.

Dangers of Abusing Methamphetamine

The effects and dangers of meth are vast and seep into all parts of a person’s life. The physical, psychological and behavioral.

Physically, meth abuse can look like:

  • Picking at skin obsessively leading to open sores
  • Extreme weight loss due to malnutrition and loss of appetite
  • Twitching
  • Liver damage
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Premature aging
  • Blackened and rotting teeth also known as “meth mouthâ€

The specter of the physical damage is already haunting but the damage it sows in the mind is also immense:

  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Memory Loss
  • Paranoia
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Insomnia

Which can all lead to behavioral problems:

  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Violent and aggressive outbursts
  • Unpredictable behavior
  • Borrowing money, stealing, etc. to get money for meth
  • Problems at work, school, home
  • Ignoring obligations and relationships
  • Disregard to personal appearance or general hygiene

Get Help With a Crystal Meth Addiction Today

Given all of that, it goes without saying that methamphetamines are incredibly dangerous drugs. If you suspect someone in your life is having issues with them, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Newport Beach Recovery Center, and we can help advise the next steps to take.