Intensive Outpatient Treatment in Newport Beach, CA
Outpatient addiction treatment options for men & women in Orange County, California
Orange County
Outpatient addiction treatment in Newport Beach CA
the benefits of continued care
Why is Outpatient Treatment Suggested?
Typically, an outpatient or intensive outpatient program is suggested following a successful stay at rehab in order to provide the best possible outcomes in long-term recovery. While in rehab, clients learn how to fight cravings and what environments to avoid in order to avoid triggers that could lead to relapse. After rehab is completed, clients re-enter society as newly sober people who have to rely on the tools they learned to help them avoid relapse. Outpatient treatment aids a person in early recovery by providing them with a continued routine of therapy and process groups that provides continued support to those re-learning how to live life without drugs or alcohol.
providing you with options in orange county
Our Outpatient Programs atNewport Beach Recovery Center
How long does treatment last?
What Happens After Outpatient Treatment?
Outpatient addiction treatment can last anywhere from 6-9 months, depending on each client’s personal situation. While in outpatient treatment or once outpatient is completed, Newport Beach Recovery Center will provide clients with referrals for sober housing. Working with local communities to promote a sober lifestyle is important to our facility. When we release our clients, we intend for them to continue their success in an environment that will promote sobriety and success for these alumni.
Should any alumni of our facility find themselves in relapse or in danger of relapse, they are welcome to reach out to our facility at any time. At our outpatient rehab in Newport Beach CA, we will offer our assistance and help them get back on track to recovery. Although our clients complete our treatment, we are still committed to their continued success.
don't wait any longer to begin your recovery
Experience Recovery at our Newport Beach Outpatient Addiction Treatment Program in Orange County CA
If you are a man or woman who is suffering from addiction, let Newport Beach Recovery Center assist you today. Our outpatient program in Orange County provides the support and assistance you need to promote success and find support in others who are also experiencing addiction and seeking the desire to take control of their life. To get started on your road to recovery, begin the admissions process here. Your road to lasting sobriety begins today.