Understanding and Recognizing Benzodiazepine Addiction

A wooden table with the word benzos written on it.

Three women smiling for the camera while standing outside.

Benzodiazepines, commonly referred to as ‘benzos,’ belong to a class of prescription drugs frequently used in the medical treatment of various conditions, including anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances. Despite their therapeutic benefits, benzodiazepines can potentially lead to physical dependence and addiction, contributing to numerous harmful physical and psychological consequences. Below, we’ll investigate the addictive nature of benzodiazepines, and the signs and treatment options for benzodiazepine addiction.

What Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines are psychoactive drugs that enhance the effects of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the central nervous system, promoting sedation, muscle relaxation, and a sense of calm. They are typically prescribed as short-term treatments for conditions like panic disorders, sleep disorders, and certain types of epilepsy. Some common benzodiazepines include alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), and lorazepam (Ativan).1

Are Benzodiazepines Addictive?

The simple answer is yes. Benzodiazepines, despite their medicinal use, can become highly addictive when used over a long-term period or when misused, such as when taken in high doses or without a prescription. This drug abuse can lead to one becoming physically dependent in as little as two weeks of continuous use.

Addiction to benzodiazepines manifests as an uncontrollable urge to continue using the drug, even when it leads to negative health consequences. These substances initially create a ‘feel good’ effect, which can entrap individuals into a cycle of escalating use as their body builds tolerance, needing higher doses to achieve the same effects.

The Risks and Effects of Benzodiazepine Abuse

Long-term use or misuse of benzodiazepines can result in several physical and mental health issues. The effects of benzodiazepines include cognitive impairment, depression, physical dependence, and a heightened risk of overdose. Mental effects can encompass memory issues, confusion, and impaired judgment, while physical symptoms may range from dizziness and weakness to severe withdrawal symptoms when the drug’s use is diminished or discontinued.

Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be a challenging and dangerous process. Symptoms of withdrawal include anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and in severe cases, seizures.2 These symptoms underscore the necessity of seeking professional help when attempting to cease using benzodiazepines, as medical supervision can manage these symptoms and provide essential support.

Recognizing Benzodiazepine Addiction

Recognizing benzodiazepine addiction is the first step towards seeking help. Indicators of addiction can include:

  • Persistent use of benzodiazepines, even when they cause negative health effects or disrupt personal life.
  • An increased tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effect.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop or reduce usage.
  • Investing a substantial amount of time acquiring, using, or recovering from the effects of benzodiazepine
  • Neglecting responsibilities due to drug use.

If these signs are familiar, it’s critical to seek immediate help from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist.

Overcoming Benzodiazepine Addiction at Newport Beach Recovery Center

Three women smiling for the camera while standing outside.

At Newport Beach Recovery Center, we understand the intricacies of benzo addiction and are dedicated to helping our clients navigate their recovery journey safely and successfully. Our approach comprises medical detoxification, psychological support, and strategies for long-term recovery.

Our medical team assists in managing the symptoms of withdrawal during the detox process, ensuring clients’ safety and comfort. Simultaneously, our psychological support helps clients comprehend the roots of their addiction, empowering them to develop healthier coping strategies.

Overcoming addiction should not be a journey one undertakes alone. At Newport Beach Recovery Center, we believe in creating a supportive, inclusive environment that facilitates recovery. Our aim is not just to aid clients in detox but to provide them with the tools necessary for a fulfilling, drug-free life.

If you or a loved one is grappling with benzodiazepine addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out. Recovery is not just possible; it’s a journey we can undertake together. With the right help and support, overcoming the toxic effects of benzodiazepine addiction can be a fresh start.


  1. https://www.drugs.com/drug-class/benzodiazepines.html
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/anxiety/withdraw-from-benzodiazepines

Alcohol and Postpartum Depression: The Connection

A woman sitting on the floor with her head in her hands.

Postpartum depression is a serious condition that affects many women after giving birth. It’s a type of depression that occurs within the first year after childbirth and can have a big impact on a mother’s well-being and family dynamics. Recently, people have been looking into whether there’s a connection between alcohol and postpartum depression. In this article, we’ll dive into the topic and provide insights into the effects of alcohol on postpartum depression.

Understanding Postpartum Depression

Before we talk about alcohol’s potential role in postpartum depression, let’s understand what it is. It’s a mood disorder that often makes women feel sad, anxious, and hopeless after having a baby. It’s more severe and long-lasting than the “baby blues,†which are milder mood swings that go away quickly after childbirth.

Three women smiling for the camera while standing outside.

Postpartum depression can show up in different ways, like losing interest in things, changes in appetite, trouble sleeping, feeling tired, getting easily irritated, and feeling worthless. In some cases, women may even have thoughts of hurting themselves or the baby. It’s a complex condition influenced by physical, emotional, and social factors.

The Impact of Alcohol on Postpartum Depression

Let’s now talk about alcohol and its potential impact on postpartum depression. It’s important to note that the relationship between the two is complex, and research has given mixed results.

How Alcohol Might Affect Postpartum Depression

There are a few ways alcohol could potentially affect the development or worsening of postpartum depression. Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system. Drinking too much or frequently can disturb the balance of brain chemicals that regulate mood and emotions. Moreover, alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns, which are already disturbed in new mothers.

In addition, if a woman misuses alcohol, it can make her feel guilty, ashamed, or inadequate. These feelings can intensify the symptoms of postpartum depression and make recovery more difficult.

Seeking Support Is Essential

Regardless of the potential connection between alcohol and postpartum depression, what matters most is supporting and helping new mothers. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms, it’s crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals who specialize in perinatal mental health. They can provide proper diagnosis, treatment, and support.

Three women smiling for the camera while standing outside.

Postpartum depression is a complex condition that affects many women after childbirth. While the relationship between alcohol and postpartum depression is still being studied, it’s important to approach the topic with caution and understand the limitations of the research. Remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with postpartum depression, seeking professional support is crucial for a proper diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Getting through postpartum depression may be challenging, but with the right support and interventions, it’s possible to overcome this condition and find healing and well-being. Don’t let postpartum depression hold you back from enjoying the precious moments with your baby and finding joy in motherhood.

Get the Help You Need at Newport Beach Recovery Center

Take that courageous step towards seeking assistance and reclaiming your happiness. Contact Newport Beach Recovery Center today and let us guide you on the path to healing. Remember, you don’t have to face postpartum depression alone. Newport Beach Recovery Center is here to support you every step of the way.

Do Drugs & Alcohol Affect Women Differently Than Men?

A man and woman sitting on the ground with their dog.

Maybe it’s not something you’ve considered because you’ve always been under the impression that drugs and alcohol are just drugs and alcohol, so the same substances should have the same effect on all of us. Logically speaking, that makes, taking or drinking the same thing should yield the same result. Well, like with most things related to the sexes, there are differences in how our bodies deal with these toxins, some slight and some severe.

These subtleties serve as a reminder that while we’re all in this recovery together, men and women, it’s important to understand our unique differences. 

How Drugs and Alcohol Affect Women Differently Than Men

In general, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of the National Institute of Health, “women are more sensitive to the consumption and long-term effects of alcohol and drugs than men. From absorption to metabolic processes, women display more difficulty in physically managing the consequences of useâ€.

Now that we know that there is, in fact, a stark difference, what exactly is it?



The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes these nuances in effects that run the gamut of drugs;

  • Marijuana –This impairs spatial memory in women more than men. Women also tend to have more panic attacks and anxiety disorders related to cannabis use.
  • Cocaine and meth – Women tend to be more susceptible to the rewarding effects of these drugs and that serves to hook them faster. With meth specifically, not in terms of effect, but in usage motivation, weight loss is a huge motivating factor in why they started using.
  • MDMA – The hallucinations experienced on MDMA are said to be stronger for women.
  • Heroin – Women are more likely to overdose in the first years of use than men.
  • Prescription opioids – Studies point to the possibility that women are more sensitive to pain than men so end up taking prescription opioids at higher rates, misuses leading to fatal overdoses.
  • Prescription anti-anxiety and sleep aids – Women are at higher risk for insomnia and anxiety and are thus prescribed these drugs to help with central nervous system issues more frequently. Women are thus at higher risk of dying from overdoses from meds for mental health.



Women, without question, are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men. Alcohol is simply processed differently in the body based on variations in our body types. Women’s bodies, on average, contain less water so the concentration of alcohol is higher in women after consuming a similar amount than men. In other words, women tend to get more drunk from less alcohol than men.

Women also tend to be more vulnerable to liver damage and brain damage related to prolonged alcohol use. Drinking increases the risk of having unprotected sex therefore open up the possibility to potentially unwanted pregnancy or disease transmission. Increased risk of being a victim of violence comes with increased alcohol use. Alcohol is also associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in some women.


What to Do If You Think You Have an Addiction

Given the vast differences in how we experience drugs and alcohol, and the effects they have on our bodies, it’s important to reach out to people and professionals that understand your specific needs as a woman. Just like there are differences in the effects of drugs and alcohol there are also differences in how we can go about treating those addicted to them.

If you think you or your loved one, a friend, mother, daughter, aunt, etc. have an addiction to drugs or alcohol or are concerned you may be going down the wrong path, get in touch with us at Newport Beach Recovery Center. Providing robust treatment options specifically for women is what we know best.

Influential Women Who Got Sober

A woman with white hair and black shirt
Fame: a blessing and sometimes a curse. Celebrities in the spotlight have the great gift of being able to use their voice to influence people but can also feel like they’re under a microscope. With society watching their every move, it can be difficult to admit they have a problem with substance abuse because everyone expects them to be perfect. But addiction doesn’t discriminate, influential women suffer from addiction as well. Below are ten beloved influential women who are sober.

Oprah Winfrey

Many people are surprised to hear that Oprah Winfrey is in recovery. She’s admitted on her talk show she struggled with cocaine addiction in her early 20s. She has since sought sobriety and has been living in recovery ever since.

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis starred in many notable movies such as Halloween and The Fog. She’s also known as one of the original Scream Queens. Throughout her career, she managed to succeed in genres outside of horror unlike many of her colleagues. During her career, she also elected to undergo plastic surgery. Painkillers are commonly prescribed to patients after surgery and ultimately were the catalyst for her addiction. She’s been quoted saying once she saw how her drug use affected her daughter she decided to get sober. 

Jada Pinkett Smith

As far as the public is aware Jada Pinkett Smith has it all: a tight-knit family, a strong career, and seemingly ageless beauty. There was a point in time where she was drinking two bottles of wine a night and realized she had demons to overcome. In sobriety, she learned there are other tools to deal with pain. 

Drew Barrymore 

Drew Barrymore grew up in the public eye. She was seven years old when she filmed the movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. She started to experiment with drugs and alcohol while in the spotlight during the age of 9-12. She was able to overcome addiction and continues to act to this day while still looking amazing. 

Demi Lovato

Within the past few years, Demi Lovato has made tabloid headlines. She publicly relapsed in July 2018 after being sober for six years and has a dual diagnosis. This is when someone struggles with mental illness and substance abuse. In addition to her dual diagnosis, she battles with bulimia and self-harm. She’s been very open with the public about her struggles in hopes her transparency will help others.

Eva Mendes 

Eva Mendes became the subject of envy when she married Ryan Gosling. In 2008 she entered rehab and opened up about how she recognized she was in a life or death situation. It takes great strength to realize you need to seek help.

Edie Falco 

Edie Falco is most recently known as Nurse Jackie, a hospital nurse addicted to painkillers. She also used her own life experience to help her relate to the character’s addiction. With over a century of recovery behind her, she says the support from her family and friends has helped her the most.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne is one of the original reality TV stars. The Osbourne family provided MTV with a lot of laughs but Kelly also spent time watching her father suffer from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse. She became addicted and sought out recovery while her parents were experiencing life-threatening health problems. She’s now been living clean and sober for several years. 

Nicole Richie 

Nicole Richie is the daughter of a celebrity but became famous herself after appearing on a reality TV show, The Simple Life. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol as an adolescent led to addiction in her 20s but she found recovery after being arrested and seeking treatment.

Eliza Dushku

After fighting demons in Buffy the Vampire Slayer she battled her own addiction to drugs and alcohol. It was a harsh wake-up call when her brother told her that she couldn’t see her niece while she was under the influence. Eliza is now sober and openly talks about it to help other people struggling with addiction. 

If They Can Do It, You Can Do It Too 

Newport Beach Recovery Center is dedicated to helping those who struggle with addiction. We believe our gender-specific facility in sunny Orange County is a safe space for women to heal. We hope you find comfort in knowing you’re not alone and help is out there. Please reach out if you or a loved one is battling with substance abuse.

Signs of Drug Addiction in Women

Research relating to addiction is often focused on men, primarily because earlier researchers generally assumed that addiction was mostly a male problem or that women with drug addiction have the same experiences as men have. However, there are significant environmental and biological factors; an addiction in women is so significantly different that it affects the way their treatment is approached. Not only is the approach to addiction treatment different for women than in men, but the signs of addiction in women may also be different. Here are some of the signs of drug addiction in women.

Physical Signs of Drug Addiction in Women

It’s important to note that drug addiction can affect women from all walks of life. The first step to identifying if a female in your life has an addiction problem is though physical signs. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s essential that ask them straightforward questions, including “are you using drugs� If you suspect a drug addiction, it’s important to encourage them to seek addiction treatment immediately. Physical signs of an addiction to drugs may include:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Dilated or pinpoint pupils
  • Sudden weight changes, either weight gain or weight loss
  • Difficulty walking, tremors and/or slurred speech
  • Overly energetic, increased alertness or hyperactivity
  • Lethargy
  • Change in sleep patterns
  • Marks on the skin
  • Frequent picking at or itching of the skin

Behavioral Signs of Drug Addiction in Women

If you haven’t witnessed the person in question using drugs or you have seen the physical signs of addiction, but you still suspect drug abuse, there are behavioral changes that may indicate addiction. It is important, however, to keep in mind that everyone’s behaviors often change for different reasons. For instance, the behaviors of a teenage girl may change as they transfer into adulthood. With that said, drug addiction can cause a wide range of behavioral changes in women, including:

  • Lack of motivation at work, school or home
  • Decrease in concern for personal hygiene and appearance
  • Increase in impulsive risks
  • Frequently borrowing money without an explanation
  • Changes and/or problems in relationships
  • Loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Withdrawing from social circles, friends, and family
  • Unexplained accidents, isolation or secrecy
  • Avoiding conversations and hiding things

Psychological Signs of Drug Addiction in Women

Teenage girls are notorious for their moodiness and personality changes, but extreme changes in their demeanor is often a sign of drug or alcohol use, especially in adult females. Many of the psychological signs of drug addiction are short-term, but with ongoing use, it can lead to long-term emotional and mental effects in women. Some of the common psychological signs of addiction in women may include:

  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Increased confusion
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Short-term memory is diminished
  • Increased aggressiveness, hostility and belligerence
  • Sudden symptoms of a co-occurring disorder, such as depression, anxiety or paranoia
  • Loss of control
  • Compulsive drug cravings
  • Inability to stop drug use due to psychological dependence

Studies have shown that women are more prone to developing a drug addiction through less use of the drug than men. Women also tend to experience more social consequences, and they have a more difficult time quitting as well as a higher risk of relapse. This is due in part to the way women respond to stress. Women are also more likely than men to relapse into drug use in response to stress triggers. Unfortunately, women are also less likely to seek addiction treatment. The reason for this is because there is much more stigma attached to women and substance abuse. There is addiction treatment available that is designed specifically for women, which treats both the addiction as well as any co-occurring disorders. If you know a female that is suffering with drug addiction, it is essential for their life to encourage them to seek treatment as soon as possible.

How Gender Specific Treatment is Beneficial for Women

Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is tough for anyone, but modern research is indicating that women are less likely than men to undergo treatment. This is because of a multitude of factors, including the fact that women often do not have easy access to treatment. Furthermore, many addiction treatment programs have not been updated in years, and they stem from methods that were primarily geared towards male clientele at one point in time. In reality, women and men tend to experience addiction differently in the first place.

Fortunately, an increasing amount of treatment programs (like those at Newport Beach Recovery) are starting to both recognize the problem and address it. While all people may benefit from gender-specific treatment, women, in particular, may experience higher success rates and greater life improvement in general.

It’s natural to have questions. But if you or a loved one are suffering from addiction, there’s no better time than now to find a treatment program that works. Here’s how gender-specific addiction treatment can be beneficial for women.

How Do Women Experience Addiction Differently?

To fully understand how gender-specific treatment works, it is important to realize the ways in which a person may experience addiction based on their gender. While on the surface it may not seem that gender plays much of a role in addiction, the truth is quite the contrary. In addition to many women not having easy access to addiction treatment, women also tend to be more hesitant to seek treatment in the first place. Because of women’s average lower body weight and naturally higher proportions of fatty tissue, women also tend to become addicted faster to substances and experience more severe effects.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, women also tend to relapse more often than men even after seeking treatment.

What Do the Statistics Say?

National data consistently demonstrates that gender plays an important role in addiction and recovery. In fact, a report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently showed that fewer women overall use substances, but they are more likely to use certain ones than men are. Specifically, far higher percentages of women than men tend to use opioids, prescription pain relievers, methamphetamine/amphetamine, heroin, cocaine, etc. than their male counterparts (who stick more to alcohol and marijuana).

It may also be because of these differences that women tend to relapse more often and experience more intense cravings. Though the studies here can be a little conflicting at times, the general consensus about women having a more difficult time staying sober remains the same.

Likewise, a study from DrugAbuse.gov shows that women use smaller amounts of substances for shorter periods of time before becoming addicted. Around 19.5 million U.S. women over the age of 18 use illicit substances in a single year alone. The same study also cited data from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) that shows pregnant women who use drugs or alcohol are two to three times more likely to miscarry or deliver a stillborn baby. Meanwhile, those that are born to mothers who used substances during pregnancy are at a far higher risk of a wide variety of medical disorders.

What Exactly is Gender-Specific Treatment?

It’s crucial for successful addiction treatment programs to take into account the fact that drugs and alcohol tend to affect women more severely. And because women are at a higher risk of relapse, any program that is geared towards them must have a strong focus on preventing relapse. Gender-specific treatment goes far beyond the initial stages of detoxification and incorporates various physical and mental therapy methods to help with this.

More specifically, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism stipulates that a gender-specific treatment program (for any substance, not just alcohol) must meet the following criteria:

  • They seek to improve/provide care for women who seek help with their mental health
  • They refer women to specialized treatment for their specific addiction
  • They are aware of and identify certain groups of women who may benefit the most from gender-specific intervention and treatment
  • They take certain female-specific risk factors into account

How is the Right Gender-Specific Treatment Program Found?

Overcoming any kind of substance addiction is challenging regardless of gender. And just like men, women should carefully consider their treatment options before just jumping into the first program they find. That said, it is important to ask questions early on about what to expect while in treatment and how successful the program has been for others. And as far as gender-specific addiction treatment goes, it may be worthwhile to ask how many other women have been treated as well as how many women are on staff.

But it’s crucial not to wait. To learn more about gender-specific treatment, contact the experienced and caring professionals at Newport Beach Recovery today.

The Benefits of a Female-Only Rehab Center

Nearly 20 million Americans, ages 12 and older, struggle with substance abuse, and an estimated 8.5 million of that number (nearly half) also have a mental health disorder. Statistically, women are different when it comes to substance abuse. A woman can take a lower dose of a drug over a shorter time period and become addicted, compared to a man. Their physical and psychological reaction can also be different, with more cravings and a higher likelihood of relapse. But, women are also more sensitive and can be adversely affected by drugs much sooner and at a more serious level in relation to effects to the heart. It’s probably not surprising, then, that women are more likely to suffer from overdose and end up in the emergency room. Approximately 5.2% of women have a substance abuse problem.

What is Women’s Only Rehab? A Brief History

The idea of a Women’s Only Rehab center is not new to addiction treatment. The push toward a better understanding of how substance abuse affects women can be linked to the women’s rights movement in the 1970s, but there was also a drive to recognize how the care for women with substance abuse problems might be different. It’s tied with the drive to understand what social differences and how employment, family, and health are treated differently (with inequality).

Trauma and other stressors can also contribute to panic attacks, depression, and anxiety. One-in-four women are also affected by domestic violence and abuse, which also puts them at a higher risk of turning to alcohol or drugs for coping. Fear and pain are at the core of the substance abuse experience of many women. The idea behind Women’s only (or gender-sensitive) addiction treatment centers around the considerations of the experience of women is different both from a substance abuse point of view, but also in the process of rehab, addiction treatment and their road to recovery.

How is Treatment Different?

Addiction treatment includes many of the same components, but women’s only treatment may focus more heavily on some elements. The goal is to help women work through substance abuse, mental health conditions, as well as other treatment needs. It’s typically a multidisciplinary approach, with a focus on one-and-one support and counseling, mental health treatment, and behavior therapy to address those lifestyle habits and emotional concerns, as well as long-term aftercare support. Women’s only treatment can also incorporate naltrexone to ease cravings, as well as detox, therapy, and social support.

What Additional Considerations Do Women Face?

Women face additional obstacles both in the home and in society, which may make them less likely to seek addiction treatment and rehab. Women tend to be the primary care-giver, so they may feel like they can’t take time off to recover. Women are also more likely to have experienced traumatic events that affected them deeply. Among women who are experiencing substance abuse issues, they also deal with anxiety, depression, cravings, and eating disorders. Addiction treatment will affect women differently, but it can take a lot more for a woman to seek help.

Find a Woman’s Only Rehab Center: Newport Beach Recovery

The good news is that you’re not alone. There are women’s only programs to meet your specific treatment needs. At Newport Beach Recovery, we’re here to offer targeted addiction treatment and care in Costa Mesa, CA.  We’re a gender-specific treatment center, so you can find the care and support you need to face your unique challenges. You can break free from addiction in a relaxing and healing setting with an ocean view.

Benzodiazepine Use Among Women

Drugs such as Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin are often prescribed for conditions like anxiety and insomnia. These drugs are part of a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, or more commonly Benzos. These drugs are often prescribed along with opioids and are only often just as responsible for addictions. In fact, the  National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) has reported that thirty percent of overdoses involving opioids also involve Benzos. The two drugs alone are highly addictive and when combined they can be a very deadly combination. Use, and abuse, of Benzos, has increased over the past several years in every age group but the most affected group is women, who have prescribed this class of drug at a rate twice that of men.

Why Women Become Addicted to Benzos

Most addictions to Benzos start out as the woman being prescribed the medication when she goes to the doctor and complains of anxiety attacks or stress-related insomnia. Women are often more willing to express these things to a doctor. Today’s women are often caretakers to both children and aging parents. They take on many responsibilities and are not as willing to take time for themselves to relax. They worry about the people under their care and forget to care for themselves.

Benzos were meant to be a short-term solution to problems such as anxiety and insomnia but many doctors will prescribe them over a long period of time because they understand the conditions causing the stress in a woman’s life are not always ones that disappear. Women become addicted easier than men because their body weight is lower and chemical changes within their bodies occur more frequently. It becomes easy to rely on the medication to unwind and get a good night’s sleep after a day of worry and stress. When waking up has the woman facing the same stressors, another dose will help her get through the day. The body builds a tolerance to Benzos quickly and larger doses are increasingly required in order to relax.

Signs of Benzo Addiction

Anyone, not just women is at risk of addiction. The fact that women are prescribed Benzos at twice the rate of men accounts in part for the increased number of addictions to Benzos we see in women. Because they are prescribed, and only a small number of women turn to illegal means of obtaining them, the signs of addiction often go unnoticed. Some of these signs include:

*An increased need for the medication to get through the day. Feeling you can’t get through the day without it.

*Immediately reaching for your prescription when you anticipate a stressful situation.

*Having to change brands (say from Valium to Xanax) because a former prescription doesn’t seem to work any longer.

*An inner knowing that tells you it is time to get help.


Rehab for Benzo addiction must not only address the physical drug addiction but also the underlying condition that put the woman at risk to start with. While the causes of extreme stress can’t always be eliminated, learning how to deal with these situations is important. In addition to counseling, both individual and group, and possibly even family counseling, learning positive coping skills is necessary. These include learning ways you can relax, methods for taking care of your own needs, and overall skills for relaxation and stress management. Often this is best done on an inpatient basis as it allows you to put aside other responsibilities and concentrate on getting well.

Final Thoughts

Many women feel they don’t have time to devote to recovery. They are afraid that their family or job will be lost without them. It is essential to realize that if you fall apart, you can’t do your best for others. There is a good reason for airlines to caution parents to put on their own air masks first during an emergency. If you aren’t functioning, you can’t be there for others. Newport Beach recovery has experience helping women like you and your loved ones overcome their Benzo addictions. Contact us today and start on your road to recovery now. Tomorrow will dawn brighter and see a stronger you ready to face whatever may come from a place of empowerment.

5 Inspiring Women in Recovery

In the world of recovery and addiction treatment, household names and celebrities have come to experience addiction and become leading women in sobriety. Despite their fallings to addiction, they were able to surpass the addiction and move forward with successful careers.

Jamie Lee Curtis

A household actress, who is known for both film and television roles of since the 1980s to present, has overcome a ten-year addiction that nearly took her life. After having an intensive surgery, she developed an opioid addiction to her prescribed pain killers. Curtis would become heavily anxious without her prescription and even embraced alcohol as a substitute to cease withdrawals until she got her next prescription. Curtis fought the battle for the next ten years, until receiving treatment that put her on the road to recovery. Since her sobriety began, she has focused her time and efforts around the addiction community and reaching out to those in need of assistance.

Drew Barrymore

Since her childhood, Drew Barrymore has experienced life in front of the camera. As a teenager, Barrymore found herself smoking pot daily and addicted to cocaine. Her addiction led her thankfully to rehabilitation a couple of years later, where she was able to grasp the addiction treatment she needed and sought recovery. Since making recovery, her acting career maximized,  and she has become a leading actress in numerous feature films, a success she accredits to her recovery. Barrymore promotes her recovery in her charitable efforts, and she is a prime example of the success that you can achieve in recovery after addiction treatment.

Demi Lovato

A loved and famed Disney Channel star, Demi Lovato battled the same peer pressures as girls her age and found stress relief through addiction in the form of cocaine and alcohol. After several years of a progressively worsening addiction, Lovato understood the seriousness of her addiction when she was unable to go for a half an hour without cocaine. At that point, she reached out for recovery assistance and was able to complete addiction treatment. She is now a leading spokesperson for addiction among teenagers. She cites the fact that recovery is an ongoing treatment and encourages teenagers that experience stress and peer pressure to utilize other outlets instead of turning to addiction.

Mary J. Blige

A hip-hop icon and a role model to women, Mary J. Blige is also a recovering addict who has become a successful leader in the Women in Sobriety community. Like many of those suffering from addiction, Blige’s journey to recovery has been a long one, since she was a substance abuse user for years to deal with childhood trauma and abuse. After seeking addiction treatment, Blige used her music as her true outlet for recovery. Even throughout her early years in her career, she was still suffering from substance abuse. She decided to take on true sobriety following the death of the icon, Whitney Houston.

Jada Pinkett-Smith

Another leading actress since the 1990s through present-day, Jada Pinkett-Smith has suffered from both substance abuse and alcohol abuse. Growing up in Maryland, Pinkett-Smith spent her early years around drugs. She even confessed to spending time as a drug dealer. While experimenting with drugs, her true addiction came in the form of alcohol, that became a daily habit. Pinkett-Smith decided that she did not want to have a career or family where she was dependent on alcohol. At that point, Pinkett-Smith took an addiction treatment and sought recovery. In 2017, she saw 20 years of recovery and is an advocate for women who are suffering from addiction.

Addiction is not subjected to only normal people. Celebrities and famous women find themselves fighting the same battles and suffering from the same struggles. These five women are role models for women across the United States and even the globe. Most of them have had careers that they suffered addiction during that time. What they have done, however, is embrace their sobriety and become advocates for addiction, shifting their role from actresses and musicians to include leaders of women in sobriety. Contact us today if you or a loved one are in need of help.

Women & Substance Abuse

Addiction isn’t just about a physical drug and how it affects a body; addicts go through physical and psychological changes that make them need more of the drug of choice while engaging in negative behaviors that cause harm to their emotional, physical and even spiritual lives. Beyond the personal cost, addiction destroys families, leads to high crime rates and has a high monetary cost.

There have been attempts to help addicts recover, ranging from completely unsuccessful to very successful. However, no one treatment plan works for everyone, so social scientists study the disease and its treatments. It should seem obvious that women have different substance issues than men, but most of the research regarding alcoholism and addiction focused on men until the 1990s.

Physical Differences Between Men & Women in Substance Abuse

Women are different from men in general size, which means that drugs may often affect them more quickly and strongly, and in body composition. There are even genetic differences in how men and women react to alcohol and other drugs.

Women’s hormones and brain chemistry are vastly different from men’s, leading to different reactions to the same drugs. The stigma regarding women drinking alcohol is no longer so prevalent, leading more women to use alcohol to deal with emotional issues. Untreated chronic pain issues may drive some women to abuse opioids.

Gender Roles in Society & Addiction

Women are the ones who are responsible for taking care of their families, cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, and then having a job outside the home. They often feel overwhelmed, and as though there is no one to ask for help. They also often feel afraid to ask for help, and worry that they will receive condemnation or punishment instead of aid.

Instead of getting the help they need, many women find that their family unit is threatened. They need to be able to step away from their roles enough to get the help they need but are frightened of the consequences.

Women are more likely to suffer from body disorder images, too. This can lead to women having eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, where they have unhealthy habits in order to be able to present a certain look. Drugs can help women find that “perfect” body image, even if it comes at the cost of their health.

Women’s Addiction Treatment

When women are finally at a point where they are able to start working on their issues with addiction, they need a safe environment where they can share their stories without judgment. Addiction often brings its own problems, but it brings out other issues.

Women & Dual-Diagnosis Needs in Addiction Treatment

Many addicts have what is called a dual diagnosis, meaning there is another mental issue that is going on at the same time as the addiction. These issues may range from the already mentioned eating disorders to depression, to other diagnoses like bipolar disorder, anti-social personality disorder or schizophrenia.

Having a dual diagnosis doesn’t mean you can’t get better, but you won’t be able to get better unless you can get help dealing with both.

Drug Rehab for Women

In order to begin the process of recovery, women must be able to go through an evaluation where their needs are diagnosed and a plan is formed that can help them deal with their unique issues. Someone in withdrawal might need a safe place to detox, while a dual diagnosis might mean a prescription for the right medication.

Newport Beach Recovery offers comprehensive treatment services in a safe environment for women in Costa Mesa, CA. If you or a loved one needs help, or just has any questions, don’t wait to call Newport Beach Recovery at 1-855-213-3869 today. The sooner you get into recovery, the sooner you can start your life over.